The Chiropractic Lifestyle
A continuing schedule of regular chiropractic checkups can help detect, correct, and maintain optimum spinal and nervous system function. Find out how chiropractic care, combined with proper diet, exercise, and other aspects of good health and personal hygiene can enhance your well-being and help you enjoy life to the fullest. Ask our Doctor for a care program designed for your age, condition, and lifestyle.
Few people realize that chiropractors treat many kinds of health problems in addition to relieving pain. Click on the buttons to read examples of how chiropractic has helped our patients with their health problems. Healing expertise is not surprising considering that Chiropractors receive more class-hours, on the average, than medical doctors in the fields of anatomy, diagnosis, neurology (study of the nervous system) and x-ray. Some chiropractors, such as Dr. Graffeo, study nutrition and internal disorders extensively in their continuing education. |