Pain Relief

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There are many different forms of pain, and people often live with pain for many years not understanding the options available to them.   

We learn from experience, early in our lives, that pain warns us of potential or actual injury to the body.  We instinctively avoid activities that result in pain.

Chronic (long-term) pain is a different matter.  What is the solution for pain when we don't know what is causing it?  Pain medication is one answer, but not always the best one: The pain medication might dull the pain but prevent a trip to the doctor to identify a serious health problem. Pain medications also have side effects.

Severe pain due to a recent accident or surgery can be helped on a short-term basis with pain medication, but pain medication never addresses the cause of the pain.

Chiropractors are known for their ability to relieve pain for patients without using drugs.  They are able to correct the cause of the pain.   Most painful conditions can be treated, and the doctors at ParkView chiropractic are well trained in finding the cause and solution to your problems.