There are many conditions that can cause pain and inflammation in a joint. Joint pain caused by sports or work-related injuries can be temporary, usually caused by strains, sprains, and tears. Arthritis is technically any type of joint inflammation, but is usually used to refer to chronic inflammation of the joints. There are many different types of arthritis, and various causes. Joint pain can cause an enormous amount of discomfort and irritation, which in turn can put a real strain on your lifestyle and make every moment difficult. Neck Pain: Often caused by improper movement, straining the neck to see something, sleeping in the wrong position, poor workplace ergonomics, TMJ, etc. Shoulder Pain: Can be caused by many different factors, including neck pain, repetitive motion, lifting too much weight, and the list goes on! Low Back Pain: Many times caused by lack of proper lumbar support while seated, misaligned pelvis, weak abdominal muscles, poor posture while sitting - leaning forward. Hip Pain: Can often radiate pain down the buttock and into the leg. Often related to back problems. Knee Pain: |